Thursday 22 May 2014

OUGD602 Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The main skills I have developed through PPP is learning how to network and communicate with professionals this is something which I have also struggled with. This aspect of the job has always been really daunting as I often find myself lost for words in situations where I have to kind of sell myself. After working at Leeds Print Festival I found that the best method was to just be myself. I was surround by designers and creatives over the course of the weekend and this made me realise that we are all human, I seemed to have attached a stigma to the concept of networking, when really all it is about is being yourself, and making friends. I found that this placement working at the print festival really helped to boost my confidence. I spoke to tonnes of different people over the course of the weekend and found myself chatting to Patrick Burgoyne the editor of creative review for a good portion of one of the days. I found this whole experience was really helpful for me.

Another skill i have gained over the year is my ability to work in a professional environment,I have found that undertaking a few client briefs this year has taught me how to work with clients and the type of work and dialogue they are expecting  I found that the best method was to have strong communication with the client in order to make sure everything is going in the right direction. I also had to learn how to price out my time this year which John has helped with over the past 3 years. For one of the briefs I did this year I had to fill out an invoice and send that to the Datashed in order to get paid. This was a bit of a life lesson and was also beneficial to my wallet.

Another skill I have developed is my organisation skills, I am a changed man this year and have fully engaged with the course, I have spent pretty much everyday in the studio from 9.30 untill 5 most days and over the past 2 months have found myself spending more time in college than I do at home. I feel that I have really dedicated myself to my practice this year and have thoroughly enjoyed everything. I am much more organised in many respects and have started keeping a diary to plan out my time as this is something I have always struggled with in the past.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?  

Over the course of the module I have developed many new skills. I have felt the need to try out as many new things as I could this year as it is the last chance I have to use all the facilities. I decided to take on a variety of different briefs with many different outcomes.I really wanted to gain as many new skills as possible so that I would find it easier to tackle any project in the future. I believe that if I have an insight into a process then this will lead to furthering and developing that skill. I think half the battle is just trying something new, so this is why I  have tried a bit of everything  I have learned how to edit videos, produce Lino prints, screen print, spot varnish, letter press and many other bits and bobs. I have also developed my software skills this year becoming much more confident in photoshop and indesign. In the past I have avoided briefs where I would have to completely learn something new as i was always afraid of failure. However I now see the positives in failing and how beneficial it can be to learn from your mistakes. I believe that nothing is easy and if you want something enough you can get it. I have changed my outlook on life this year and now embrace the unknown which has resulted in some really wonderful work for me.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?  

I think one of my main strengths lies with printing, this is something I have always had an interest in and have continued to develop and build on. I am not afraid of a challenge and I have been happy to jump into the deep end this year. Learning how to letterpress with both wood block and lead type. I have also pushed my screen printing and Lino prints. I will continue to take on personal projects and will hopefully eventually have my work displayed in Print exhibitions around the world. Thats the plan anyway.

Another one of my strengths I would say is that I am determined hard working and committed  I used to be a bit more relaxed in terms of my practice however I have fully tried to engage with the course and push my practice taking on as much as possible. I have become a yes man this year undertaking all kinds of work from client work to competitions. I have completely stepped out of my comfort zone on many briefs but feel like this has helped to develop my practice. I feel more comfortable talking about my work and also trying something new.

I also think that I have worked well collaboratively this yesar. I origonaly was not too keen on this as sometimes its hard working with other people, I got pretty lucky this year with the people I have collaborated with the majority of the time. and found that working as a team allowed for much more focussed ideas and a better resolved outcome. The thought of letting the other person down spurs me on to really try my hardest.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?  

I don't think I have any realy weaknesses this year, I have really tried my hardest and pushed my practice. I have used this year to try and find my direction however I feel that I am still quite lost so I would say this is my downfall. I like to do a bit of everything so I need to find a job which will acomodate my needs.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?  

  1. Not leave my boards until the last few weeks as it is much easier to get them out of the way as soon as the brief is finished
  2. Blog allong the way - makes sure all my thought and process are documented
  3. Evaluate my progress more often - will help to realise a direction
  4. Regular blogging will ensure I have a balanced body of well informed research.
  5. Network more - I will get involved with linked in and stat asking questions.
6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 

Attendance = 5
Punctuality =5
Motivation = 5
Commitment =5
Quantity of work produced = 5
Quality of work produced = 5

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