Monday 10 February 2014


I have wrote down some points that I try to live my life by and also rules which help with my design practice. They are not too serious as I think it is important to keep things fairly relaxed and casual. There is no point stressing for the sake of it, life's too short. It has been a earning curve over the past 3 years and my outlook on life has completely changed from when I arrived on the course. I know appreciate my life allot more and also realize how much you can achieve when you put your mind to something and concentrate on the task in hand. Here is my personal Manifesto.

  1. BE A YES MAN - take every opportunity that is given to you, even if you don't enjoy it, you will usually learn something from the experience.
  2. MAN UP - Don't be afraid to talk to people they don't bite. Networking will open up doors in the long run, talking to people can be a good form of education.
  3. SATISFY MY NEEDS - Not in a dirty sense...but my creative needs. It is important to take time to do personal projects which have room for experimentation and fun. I would like to get messy in the print room every so often.
  4. ME TIME - I try to have one big blow out a month to De-stress. This is essential for the sanity of all graphic designers, if you don't do it already I recommend a heavy sesh.
  5. MUSIC MISSION - Try find a new tune everyday, its important to treat yourself to a daily dose of music.
  6. FAIL - You can't get improve without making mistakes.
  7. TAKE IT ON THE CHIN - Accept criticism and rejection its inevitable, you just have to brush it off and get on with it.
  8. RISK IT FOR A BISCUIT - Be prepared to take risks, if you play it safe all the time you will never excel. Experiment and try new processes when ever the opportunity is available.
  9. FIND MY PLACE - I plan to try out as much as possible until I find the area of design that suits me best. At the moment I seem to be heading towards print, but this may change over time.
  10. BE MYSELF - Its important to always be yourself, if others don't like me, fuck em! Keep Smiling and get on with it.

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