Monday, 19 March 2012

Fred Time Managment Task

In today's time management session with Fred we looked at how our week is spent and the different categories it is broken up into. From our lists of what we planned to do from last week we discussed what we actually got up to and sorted them in terms of domestic, social and work. We then discussed 10 things to get the most out of your day, 10 things to avoid stress and conflict between social, domestic and work and 10 things to develop a good practice. I think the things we came up with are all very beneficial. I will do my best to try and stick to them.

We looked at all the things we got up to as a whole and split them up into 9 areas to see
how our time was spent. After reviewing this session I feel like I need to make a few changes
For one I need to try to get to sleep earlier on a night. Also I need to start staying in college
later as this may help my work productivity.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Andrea Indesign Brief WHO ARE YOU?

For this brief I researched Andrea a bit and got her to send me some photos I found that she liked simple Scandinavian design and Copenhagen. I have recreated one of her favourite designs and changed it to suit her. I have created a logo that relates to andrea. With her favourite camera as the focal point. I then added other symbols that relate to her. Such as the apple logo, the national danish flower and the white cross from the flag.

Initial Ideas

 I experimented with different colours to see what worked best


Setting up the image
I decided to use a full page photo, I like the composition of this page.
Experimented with text

I was planning on getting this translated into danish.
I am quite happy with the overall outcome. Andrea really liked it too
and commented on how it resembled Daniel Simms work. 
I had fun creating the logo too this was very helpful.