Sunday 25 September 2011

Why am I here, What do I want to learn?

Why I chose to study Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art ?

Last year I studied a foundation Art & Design course at Leeds College of Art, during my time there I specialized in Graphic Design, the course was great and really put me in good stead for this year. I saw allot of the 2nd of 3rd years work over the year and spoke to a few students who spoke really highly of the course. Even though its intense I know it will pay off if I put in the time and effort.

I also attended an open day at Leeds College of Art, I was extremely impressed with the facilities that were on offer, the resources at the college were allot better than I had seen at other Universities. This will put Leeds students at a great advantage.

Another swaying factor included the year group sizes. The classes are allot smaller here which means there's a better teacher to student ratio meaning there will be more help available, we wont just be a number on a page but in turn a colleague so to speak.

I am also happy that I'm studying in a Specialist Art & Design Institute, which means I will constantly be surrounded by like minded individuals, this creative atmosphere will help along the way, its always good to get criticism from fellow designers.

The success rate of graduates at the College is also extremely impressive. I feel my chances of succeeding here are allot better than at other Universities, the students get allot of help and support here and their hard work has definitely paid off as some of the graduates have received globally recognized awards.

What do I want to Learn on this programme?

During the next three years I would like to develop my use of software skills such as PhotoShop, Illustrator and In Design, I have basic skills in PhotoShop and Illustrator and enjoy using these packages. I am hoping to attend some workshops to  progress my skills in digital design.

At the moment I am not the best at explaining my work or writing critically, this is an aspect of the course I will probably struggle with, so hopefully as time goes on I will learn to analyze my work to a higher standard and hopefully gain more confidence when giving presentations or discussing my work.

When I came to look at the course I was extremely impressed when Fred mentioned that in the 3rd year you learn about setting up your own business and attracting custom. This is an aspect of the course that I have not heard of at other institutes. I am very interested in this and look forward to learning about it as this is a great piece of knowledge to have once you have graduated.

I want to learn more about different printing styles, last year I was fortunate enough to have access to the screen printing facilities. I used the print workshops a fair bit for my projects and really enjoyed the process. It may take a while to carry out the prints, but they definitely have a great hand crafted quality to them that is very special.

I need to learn how to become a professional designer, learning the ins and outs of the practice. from free lance work to collaborating with other designers from all aspects of the industry. Hopefully studying in a Specialist College will help build these skills. These skills will be invaluable once I have completed my degree.

What are my current strengths?  

I'd like to think one of my strengths is my determination, I always see something through to the end, once I start a brief I quite quickly get into the swing of things its not long at all before I get highly involved with the work in progress.

I have basic software skills in Illustrator and Photoshop, and enjoy the outcomes these packages deliver. I am looking forward to attending tutorials to build my knowledge in these areas. I have also been looking into online tutorials which a very helpful.

I am fairly good at working independently and getting tasks done on my own, I am self motivated and keen to progress on my own. I need to work more on my collaborative skills as this is an area I fall down on.

I am usually fairly punctual and reliable but unfortunately these past few weeks of freshers has clearly had an effect on my time management, but im sure this will ot be a problem.

I am not afraid to try something different, I like to experiment with all different forms of media to try get the best outcome, its not always the best option to go with the first idea. Hopefull this  year I can experiment and explore further.

What I want to improve?

I need to work on my collaboration skills this year, as group work is always a bit difficult for  me, but I didn't do too bad this week, but hopefully by the end of the year I should have no problem working as a team.

I need to improve my confidence skills, I am terrible at speaking in groups and seem to stutter too much. This will only get better with practice though, the studio environment will definitely improve my communication skills.

I need to improve on my use and knowledge of typography as up to this point it is something that I have not experimented with allot. I have mainly worked with image, but I am keen to build my understanding on typography.

I need to use my Crit time more effectively, I need to ask more questions and take on board criticism. As some times I feel others do not understand where I am coming from, even though I know they are only trying to help me.

One of my main weaknesses is critical writing, I find it difficult to word sentences together and describe and explain my work and others. Over the course of the next three years hopefully the studio environment will help with this.

How will I evaluate my progress?

I will mainly be evaluating my progress through blogging, I will blog my own and others work. I will describe and analyze the work, by doing this it will broaden my knowledge on graphic design and help me learn to evaluate work to a high standard. 

I will be using a sketch book over the next three years to document my designs and ideas. This will help me develop my ideas and has been a great help over the past year. They are great for sketching up ideas and experimenting with colours. 

I will evaluate more progress through crits, by taking notes after each crit, I will have a record of my progress and involvement over my time on the course. It will help me to realize my strengths and weaknesses.

I will make good use of my diary that I have been give, this will help me plan and organize my time to fit with the course. It will hopefully help with my punctuality and time keeping.

I will ask fellow students for opinions and criticism on my work in order to help improve and progress this will also help with my communication skills.

The 5 Questions I want answering...

Where will I be after I Graduate?
How will I start my own practice? When could this happen?
What type of designer do I want to be?
Can I cope with this heavy workload?
How do I promote myself to get outside work?

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