Saturday, 18 February 2012

STUDY TASK 4 - Interim Self-Evaluation


  1. I have learned that I need to organise my time better if I want to succeed, I feel that having a job has held me back slightly as this takes up a few days of my time. 
  2. I also think I have changed as a person, to start with I felt I was struggling slightly, but I feel that over the course of the first semester I have learned to cope better with the work load and am getting to grips with the design process.
  3. I have learned I have no free time on this course. But I understand this is the life of a designer.
  4. I have learned I can cope on my own just fine, I have had no problem taking care of myself.
  5. I can be responsible with my money and have not yet touched my overdraft.
  6. I can cook tasty munch...
  7. I am learning not to be late as the consequences are severe.
  8. I have learned there is a strong chance I'm dyslexic 
  9. I have learned to deal with pressure better, as my previous course was not this intense.
  10. I am terrible at group speeches, I stutter and forget what to say.

  1. I can produce a fair bit of work when I set my mind to it, I find it alot easier when producing work I am interested in. Sometimes some of the themes I have worked with have not been that interesting which has meant I have not worked to my best ability.
  2. I have found that type is hard to get right, I think I need to be more experimental with my type choice and layout. When I have mastered this I will be allot more confident in my work.
  3. I have realised the more I document my design progress, the easier it is to reflect on it and remember techniques and research I have previously used. Especially taking notes in software workshops as it is easy to forget things like this.
  4. I have learned it is important research existing work, this helps with inspiration majorly, its always nice to see what colour schemes work and also helpful with layout ideas type.
  5. Its important to sketch things out. i have found drawing and scanning images in has helped allot on illustrator, I have been able to combine digital and hand rendered imagery to create interesting work.
  6. My software skills have progressed dramatically. Previously when using Photoshop and Illustrator I was quite sloppy with my work, But from this semester I have learned to use layers properly and and most of the tools. Not only has my knowledge of tools and effects grown, but I find myself working at a much faster rate.
  7. Its good to get other peoples opinion on your work, sometimes you can get so caught up in your design that you lose sense of it. Its nice to use crits and others opinions to set you on the right course, I have found these to be of great help.
  8. I am astounded how much I have learned in a short space of time. This course has been a real eye opener into the real world, I am coping at the moment and hopefully will only get better from here on.
  9. I am much more aware about other aspects of art and design now from Richards seminars and lectures. This has helped me learn about many topics such as modernist and post modernist graphic design and also great swiss design which I have particularly enjoyed.
  10. I am not the most literate when it comes to writing, I found the essay rather tough but hopefully over the duration of the course I will progress.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

From this module I have learnt that extensive research is essential. By researching in depth I found it much easier to come up with ideas and develop them, I found my self constantly revisiting websites and linking from site to site with more research than I could blog. At first it was difficult to find relevant information but the more I searched the easier it became. My software skills have progressed substantially also. In Photoshop I learnt to edit photos in a non-destructive way, I also learnt how to change the hue, saturation contrast and other filters. These skills allowed me to produce my 5 post cards, I think this worked rather well and I am pleased with the end products. Using the marque tool I was able to spin sections of the photos around to create interesting shapes and patterns. My illustrator skills have also been developed over the course of this module, I have learnt how to use clipping masks and the pathfinder tool also which was a big part of my 100 things brief.

Time management is something that has slowly got better over the course of the module. This last project proved quite difficult as 5 weeks still did not seem long enough, but I think I have managed to keep on top of things the best I can. Ideally it could of gone a bit smoother but I think I have managed my time to a good standard. Next time I will make sure I book my print slots well in advance as this has been a problem over this module.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?  

Research has helped me allot through this module, finding exsiting work to inspire me has been a big aspect of the module, its a good starting point for ideas and has helped the develop,ment and production of my ideas and products. I found that design Sheets have helped alot, they are a good way of getting a clear indication of where the project is going. Sketching out as many ideas as possible has really helped me too. This has been a useful way of getting out all the not so good ideas and helped to really focus on more inovative ideas.

In terms of software development, my skills have improved greatly in both photoshop and Illustrator. From extensive use of the programs I have slowly learnt most of the short cut keys and a few effects I had not used before. Before this module I had never used photoshop and after  hours of playing about with the filters and tools, I feel fairly confident that I can edit photos to a good standard. I am really happy with the outcome of my post cards, I feel I have produced some interesting and quirky post cards that fit the brief. However If I had more time I feel they could of been printed to a high quality as I was only able to print them off in the mac suite.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?  

Our first project in the module was a group brief and I feel we all worked rather well together, we all managed to pull our ideas together and create a product of a runnng theme and style, this experience was tough to start with but overall a very beneficial and helpful experience. I feel that brief has given me the confidence to express and explain my work and ideas.

Another strength I feel I have gained over the course of this module is my software skills, I am really impressed and happy with the progress I have made. I have learnt to work alot quicker when designing digitally, and seem to be picking up short cuts and tips on a daily basis. This learning process has been very enjoyable and has been a real eye opener to how complicated these software packages really are.

I also feel I have produced some nice simple imagery which looks interesting and is also informative. I have learnt that simple and effective designs work best and to not over complicate things. Its good to stick to a colour scheme also as this means that everything works in a set or series. At first I used quite a range of colours and found that this was not a good thing.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?  

One of my main weaknesses to start with was time management, I have found it quite difficult juggling my time around as there is so much going on in every module and I also have to go to work 3 nights a week. This has been a really stressful period for me and I feel this may show in my work. If I had more time I would of liked to improve the quality of my final products. Originally I had planned to screen print my posters, but due to the busy schedule and print slots I was not able to do this which is a great shame. I screen printed quite allot last year and really enjoyed it so this is something I will have to make time for in the up and coming modules. I also did not have time to double side print my post cards so because of this I had to stick the images back to back on some card. This is not how I intended them to look but at least this should give me an incentive to manage my time better next time. Blogging has been a bit of a weakness as well but I think this links in with time management.

I feel I could have had a wider range of products in the 100 things brief as I ended up producing quite allot of posters. Although I am happy with how they turned out I think it would of been nice to have other outcomes. I would of liked to of produced a informative booklet with more help on surviving the recession as I feel most of my products did not hold as much information as I would of liked. They were generally just single facts, so I feel the set of products as a whole were lacking so in depth content. I feel this could of been due to my direction change 3 weeks into the project as originally I was looking at Lost Cities. I researched this topic extensively and pretty much exhausted it. After a crit with amber I was persuaded to look at money, my research was very broad and I couldn't find a clear direction so in the end I just conveyed facts I found interesting.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?  

  1.  I will manage my time more effecitvely - Hopefully this will give me more time to get some blogging done and also give me more time to produce more indepth design sheets
  2. I will book print slots well in advance - This will mean I will not be as stressed out when it comes to deadlines
  3. More testing - I didn't have much time for testing and only had time to print out my final designs straight off so this meant I did not spot a minor mistake which could be crucial.
  4. Experiment More - I will look at a wider range of products and possible outcomes next time steering away from A3 posters 
  5. Clearer Research Direction - I need to be more focused and decisive with where and what I want to do.

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 

Attendance = 4
Punctuality = 4
Motivation = 3
Commitment =4
Quantity of work produced = 3
Quality of work produced = 3
Contribution to the group =4